Hughes Family State of Affairs for 2013
1517 Aylesbury Ln, Plano TX, 75075 -
(972) 423-8611(h) http://therevbev.com
- Boy
Howdy!! This has been a year where we take everything we know and
change it.
- Some very good news is that that the radiation treatments worked and I am one of the 9 out of 10 men that are happy.
- Take a deep breath - In
April I
was laid off, in August Beverly semi-retired, we took 3 in country sightseeing trips then in October I started
working for Raytheon.
- Beverly
left Trinity
Presbyterian Church as Interim Pastor and is now Parish Associate at
First Presbyterian Church Richardson Tx. This is the first
church she was at when we were moved to Texas in 1998.
- Our trips this year were 1) New Mexico - Texas Panhandle, 2) Massachusetts - Maine
and 3) Galveston TX
A Month By Month
Account Of The Year
- The
New Year Arrived With Many Friends From Iowa, Minnesota And Utah Here
In Texas. Went To The Improv And
Then Rang In The
New Year At Our Place. Good Friends, Good Party.
- Zoë's
7th B'Day
- James'
3rd B'Day
- Easter
Dinner At Our House - Had The Whole Family Over
- We Took A Driving Vacation to New Mexico - Carlsbad Caverns, Santa Fe, Albuquerque
Amarillo Tx. We Saw Bev's Smeinary Friend Karen Bash
Who Is Retired. She And Her Husband Own A Bed & Breakfast.
Also Saw Our Friends Mike & Lynn Jump's Daughter &
Husband (Kristen and Jim).
- I Was Laid Off From Rockwell Collins
- Sara
& Leigh's 7th Anniversary
- Vickie From Iowa Came For A Visit & We Did Some Sight Seeing
- Mother's
Day Celebration At Our House
- I Found That Our Yard Is Becoming Larger As It Takes Me Much More Time To Take Care Of It.
- Bev Went North For Girls Weekend And Spent Time With Friend Debbie Olson.
- Leigh's
- Elaine's
- Our
East Coast Vacation - Massachusetts And Maine. Flew Into Boston
& Met Up With Beverly's Sister And Husband For A Week Long Driving Trip.
- Beverly's
62nd B'Day
- Our
42nd Wedding Anniversary
- Bev Left Her Job At Trinity Presbyterian
- We Took A Trip To Galveston Island
- The Sportster & I took A Road Trip To Mt Scott OK
- Bev Officially Retired From Minstry And Took SS
- Of
Course I Turned 29
- Bev Started Her Semiretirement Job at Richardson 1st.
- Maia's
6th B'Day
- David
& Elaine's 10th Anniversary. We Kept The Girls Some So They Could Go To New Orleans.
- I Started As An Engineer at Raytheon.
- Bev Got A New Bicycle And Rides With Me.
- Grace's
4th B'Day
- Bev Preached For The First Time In Three Months. She Said It's Like Riding A Bicycle, You Don't Forget How It's Done.
- Thanksgiving
Feast At Our House.
- Michael's
2nd B'Day
- Bev's Sister Visits
- David's B'Day
- The
Christmas Letter Is Sent Out
- Here
We Go Again!!!
- therevbev@verizon.net
Wayne - wayneh901@verizon.net
Do Come To Texas For Vacation. If Yall
Want To Take A Vacation, You Are Welcome To Come On Down!
We'd Enjoy It.
Christmas & Happy New Year - Live well & Enjoy!!
Wayne & Beverly Hughes