Motorcycle Trip 2010

2010 TX State HOG Rally

This year I went to my first Texas State HOG (Harley Owners Group) Rally on 3 and 4 September.  Unfortunately it did not meet my expectations but in all fairness I was only there arriving on Friday and leaving mid-day Saturday.  Things may have been more interesting Saturday night.

History:  HOG was created to counter an advertizing slogan that Honda had “You meet the nicest people on a Honda” by making social groups consisting of Harley riders.  It has worked as the HOG Rallies continue but the “Honda Hoot” was cancelled this year due to lack of interest.

What is it?  A motorcycle rally for HOG members.  Mostly all you see are Harley’s (which is pretty neat).  You have to be a HOG member or friend of one to attend.  I am a HOG member for the roadside assistance and for the magazine that is published.  However, I am not in a local HOG Chapter as I just don’t have the weekends free to devote to this type of activity.  There were nice rides planned but due to timing, I didn’t get involved in them as my arrival and departure time conflicted.  There was a movie room that no one attended because the weather was so nice.

Stats:  Location – Wichita Falls TX, Weather – Perfect, Distance traveled only 511 miles

Expectation: A mini Sturgis

Reality: A meeting of HOG Chapters.  People seemed to be pretty tight with their local HOG Chapter. There weren’t many vendors. 

Friday:  There were organized rides to the N, S, E & W but I arrived too late to be included.  On Friday it was shut down at 5:00 PM (What?!?) and everyone was told to go to Oklahoma (weren’t we at a TX rally?) to a casino where a motorcycle would be raffled at 10:00 PM.  The casino wasn’t equipped to handle a large group.  The raffle went like a PBS fund raiser.  Starting at 10:30 a repetition of announcements such as “We’ll be drawing in just a few minutes!” was started. Finally a bit after 11:00 PM the motorcycle was raffled off. There was also suppose to be a “free buffet” but the wait appeared to be roughly 2 hours standing in line.  No meal is worth that. 

Saturday: There was suppose to be a breakfast where folks would socialize - but it was cancelled.  There was a parade through downtown Wichita Falls on Saturday morning.  Again there were organized rides to the N, S, E & W but I was leaving too early to be included.  There appeared to be a party planned for Saturday night and my time there might have been more interesting if I stayed.  However, I needed to be back for Sunday.  On the way back I traveled a road less traveled heading south on 281 then East on 380.  The ride on that stretch of 380 had great scenery.

Conclusion:  I have had a much more enjoyable time at Fund Raiser Rides.  As one disgruntled lady stated, in her opinion she "just spent $50 for a tee-shirt."  This wasn't well attended.  Notice that in the photos, there is a lot of empty parking spaces in the background.  Unless I'm in a local HOG chapter, I won't be attending another HOG State Rally.


2010 Texas State HOG Rally - Parade

2010 Texas State HOG Rally

2010 Texas State HOG Rally

2010 Texas State HOG Rally

2010 Texas State HOG Rally